Warm up Exercises for Kids

When we discuss about kids fitness it also correlates with warm up exercises. It is very important to warm up after a vigorous, hard work. Kids who are physically active works and sleeps better. Besides being active it also have health benefits both physically and mentally.

Warm up exercises for kids are used to prepare their body to start extra exercises and also helps to avoid muscle injuries like strains and sprains which increases the elasticity and flexibility of muscles. It helps to increase blood circulations, respiratory rate and pulse rate which makes them more alert. Warm up exercises even facilitates the enzyme activities and to regulate the body temperature.

Warm up exercise includes stretching, slow swimming, slow running cycling etc. Among all of this, Stretching is the most common warm up exercise and it is easy for kids to commence. It involves slow deep breathing and bending in certain angles. Stretching is performed to ensure to warm up body temperature before physical activities. (Durablehealth, 2016)

It is very important of cool down exercises also. Will be explaining about this in next week project.

Beginners Archery - Warm up Exercices



Durablehealth. (2016). Warm up Exercises for Kids- Stretching, Fun, Before Workout & Cool Downs. Retrieved from durablehealth.net: http://durablehealth.net/healthy-living/exercise-fitness/warm-up-exercises-for-kids-before-workout/

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